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MRE Lobster T-Shirt

MRE Lobster T-Shirt

Regular price $29.99 USD
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I could write an entire dissertation on the ridiculousness of MREs and their accessories. It's clear that the sons-of-bitches at the MRE plant are some real, sick sadists. The best side-items come with worst main courses and vice versa. That typically leaves you in a situation where you have to barter and trade like you?re in some sort of apocalyptic scene out of Mad Max: Beyond the Thunderdome. But one of the most ludicrous parts of the MRE is highlighted in the heating pack. As you sift through the never-ending hodgepodge of instructions, it simply says, "Place on rock or something." Really? You took all that time to write out a thesis on directions and you lazily end it like that? And what exactly is "Something"? Are saying it's totally cool to set it on a camel turd? Whatever. We'll just arbitrarily toss something in there as "something.? Here: how about a lobster.


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