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Stop Whining T-Shirt

Stop Whining T-Shirt

Regular price $29.99 USD
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Nobody likes a whiner. Nobody. Whining accomplishes nothing. It doesn't create anything. It doesn't build anything. It doesn't solve anything. It's just a useless reaction to real problems. We live in a world where people are increasingly making demands for things they're unwilling to work for, forgetting that we, as Americans, are guaranteed the pursuit of happiness, not happiness itself. You have to work for it. You have to hustle. You have to accept that nothing good comes without failure. Whining is simply a result of high expectations and low output. This is something we're supposed to grow out of by the time we reach our adult years. Sadly, this isn't the case for everyone. Sometimes people just need to be reminded to stop whining. Don't be a whiner. Be a doer. Let the whiners fall behind as you move forward.


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