Thin Blue Line Mug
Thin Blue Line Mug
The Thin Blue Line has long been a symbol of our nation?s law enforcement. The blue represents our police officers and the courage they must find in order to stand in harm's way time and time again. The black around it represents their fallen comrades. Every time an officer is killed in the line of duty, it is said that the thin blue line gets just a little bit thinner. The line itself is the strongest symbol and it is the very reason why these men choose to serve. It represents the barrier between good and evil, anarchy and civil society, the barrier between the innocent and the predators. This symbolism reminded us of LTC Grossman's essay on what it means to be a warrior. We paraphrased here, hopefully to the honor of our brothers and sisters in blue: There are sheep. There are wolves. I am the Sheepdog.
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